Welcome to the Volleydataverse

Welcome to the volleydataverse!

I am Andrea Biasioli, former data analyst of the South Korea Women's Volleyball National Team at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

During my 10+ years into the world of volleyball and related numbers, I collected a lot of statistics. A lot. A. LOT.

Most of the data is used for basic analysis. What was my team attack performance after a game? Who is the worst receiver of the opponent team?

All of this is helpful. However, I started to ask myself different questions more and more often. What are the most important factors to win and what is their weight? Can we optimize a line-up or a starting rotation? And finally, the most important of all, what can I change in my team to win more?

I will share some of my analysis in the quest of a more scientific approach to volleyball data, hoping they will spark some questions in you as well. On this never ending journey through data exploration and machine learning, we will hopefully learn how to take more data-driven decisions, find non-trivial patterns, and hopefully using that knowledge during our volleyball games. Well, I want a deep-learning model that can predict where the setter will set when it matters the most...stay tuned! 🙃

P.S. I always make sure to review the initial data through my software VideoPlayerVolley (VPV for the friends), because I don't like garbage data. I also use VPV to prepare videos that I show to the team.

Interactive dashboard for volleyball data exploration.

Click on the button to find out!

In the meanwhile, I invite you to interactively explore the 2021 summer data through my VPVNext dashboard app and start checking out my first analyses:

Bayesian Networks

Use of a simple Bayesian Network to perform do-calculus on Team Canada side-out performance based on pass quality.

Click on the image to find out!

Machine learning classification models for setter side-out predictions of Imoco Conegliano.

Click on the image to find out!

Machine learning clustering models for outside-hitters grouping.

Click on the image to find out!

Machine Learning linear regression models to interpret the importance of different factors in Volleyball teams side-out performance.

Click on the image to find out!

Hypothesis testing for the side-out performance of Team USA Women's Volleyball in Summer 2021.

Click on the image to find out!