

VideoPlayerVolley is a data-based interactive video analysis software for volleyball games.

It allows for video editing and creation, statistical reports, and optimized data validation pipelines.

It is compatible with the popular DataVolley DVW file format.

It is programmed in VB.NET and it makes extensive use of LINQ and XML.

Main Window

Load and filter volleyball games, visualize each game status (with video, with scout file, synchronized), and view/edit competition name and round.

Multiple matches analysis

Load all or most recent games of your opponent for in-detail analysis.

Quick review of side-out

Change reception scores with only one click. Change setter calls with only two clicks. All while the automated error routine finds anomalies in the side-out and highlights them with a red box.

Quick edits

Save tons of time with inline change of grades, attack combinations, and player numbers.

Interactive setter distribution

View and interact with the setter distribution window, and visualize the related rallies in the video player. You can perform filtering on the moment of the set (easy/medium/hard), on the setter location, on the pass location, and more.

Automatic errors detection

Find most of the errors in your file thanks to the automatic error recognition tool.

Export a video with marked chapters

Enter the video editing mode, add graphical titles, and drag-and-drop the rallies you want to save. Save the video template as xml file, and enter the replay mode to play the saved rallies smoothly one after the other, as if they were contained single video file. If you want, export the saved rallies as a single mkv video file, with chapters corresponding to your title placement for easier retrieval.

Insert defenses and sets with hotkeys

Use Ctrl+E to add a set, and Ctrl+D to add a defense. Setter and defender numbers are suggested based on the rally context!

Nested queries

Perform complex and nested queries on the data, based on conditions in the rally and players locations.

Interactive statistics

View players and teams statistics, and visualize the related rallies on the video player.

Statistics on current analysis

Extract statistics related to the visualized analysis.