Double substitution fix


The app performs rotation swaps when incorrect double substitution are detected. Scroll down for the app.

How to use the DoubleSubstitution app

Step 1

Make sure that the setters of each team are marked with "5" in your dvw scout file (see image below).

Step 2

Drag and drop the DVW scout file in the app

Step 3

Download the corrected file from the app

Additional notes

Check the log on the app to see what's changed (optional)
Compare the old file to the new file to verify the changes (optional)

What is a double-substitution in volleyball?

When the setter and opposite in the court are substituted with the second opposite and the second setter respectively, the substitution is called double substitution.

Two approaches for double substitutions

In general, the substitution follows this pattern:

- Setter 1 (out) for Opposite 2 (in)

- Opposite 1 (out) for Setter 2 (in)

In DataVolley files, there are two approaches to perform a double-substitution:

1. Maintain the previous setter rotation, i.e., the rotation is the previous court position of Setter 1

2. Swap the setter rotation, i.e., the new Setter 2 court position becomes the current rotation

For several reasons, I prefer solution 2 (swapping the setter position). For example, if the setter rotation was 1, after a double substitution the setter rotation should become 4, and so on.

This app performs rotation swap (codes *z and az), new setter assignments (codes *P and aP), and setter sets correction (setter codes E).